After a week of tears and frustration, I decided that I needed a break from school and skipped class for the first time this year. That's right folks. I, Anna, did not go to Rec Tech lab on friday. Well, I went to turn in my assignment and then left. I came home and did NOTHING and boy did it feel good. Plus, I had to rest up for the events that would be presented to me that evening...
Friday night brought me, Maggie,
Nick, and Justin to Cosmic Cantina. We got there and ordered the ridiculous SUPER PITCHER which is basically a gallon of beer. Yea...we got 2 of those. And then being that it was still early in the evening (note:happy hour), my mom called me. Nice. She sounded frustrated cause I couldn't talk because a) I was at a loud restaurant and b) I was drunk. Did she know this? Of course not because "Anna doesn't really like to drink" (as said to my uncle by my mom over spring break). The sound of frustration in her voice made me depressed again which caused me to talk Justin's ear off about my problems and spill his beer all over my pants. Nice. We were joined by Maggie's friends Amanda and Emma.
We left. Proceeded to walk to Sophie's. Justin, Nick and myself became seperated from the others. BUT THEN, they came and they brought Olivia who rocks! She went to see Spamalot and I became really jealous as she told me all about it.
We left Sophie's. We went to Crif Dogs. Joe and Byron were there. I sat next to Joe, he turned to me and said "Fuck Gallatin" and being the emotional person that I am, I almost started to cry. I honestly have the best friends in the world.
Me, Maggie, Amanda, Olivia, and Nick went back to the dorm and had a sleepover. I collapsed in my bed as the others watched Gummo. I went in and out of sleep only to lift up my head and see odd things happening on the tv screen. I was a bit frightened. And then I woke up to the sounds of Nick's voice coming from the kitchen.
Saturday night I watched Brown Sugar on VH1...I really liked that movie. And Taye Diggs is kinda hot.
And I really need to go to the Landmark more often.