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spring blog commence!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Cue cheesy, nostalgic flashback music

Alright so I'm feeling really nostalgic and I need to reflect and remember and all that good stuff. And you have to read. Muahahahahaha. Actually you can "x" out if you like.

So for the past few days I've been talking to Nina via AIM. I haven't really spoken to her a lot since she left back in September. But I guess today really triggered my memory. Today was the most beautiful day in New York. Pretty much the first since before cold hit. At this time last year, I was hanging out in Washington Square Park with Nina drinking smoothies and watching people randomly switching books (later we discovered that they were drug dealing). Both of us had just finished reading The Da Vinci Code and hoped that it was a mystery we could solve. Nerds, I know. If we weren't hanging out in the park or playing frisbee or soccer with Maggie, we would be watching Indiana Jones and wanting to be archeologists saving antiquities one at a time. And I miss it so much. I miss her. I wish she hadn't left. I understand why and I'm so happy she's happy. But sometimes it really sucks without her here.

And it's happening all over again. This year has brought me many friends, just as Spring 2004 did, and summer is approaching and then I have to go home and be away from all of them for 3 months. It makes me sad. I mean we'll come back in the fall (or more so I will come back since it seems everyone lives in the northeast area) and it will be all happy and everyone rejoice! We are re-united! Party! But still. Lame. I wish it didn't cost so much to fly. Well, to/from Texas at least.

Then I was listening to an oldies mix on my itunes and "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell came on and I was immediately brought back to sophomore year of high school when all of my friends and I went to see Remember the Titans and it became one of my favorite movies and that song became our song. I remember being at Jillian's Quinceanera and the dj playing it and all of my friends getting together and singing it. Cheesy I know. But these are just moments that I wish I could rewind to at any time. Anytime I'm feeling sad or upset about anything, I could go back to these moments and enjoy them for just a bit and then I would be ok again. But you can't turn back time. Boo!

Come to my recital.


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