Do you want my flannel?

spring blog commence!

Monday, October 31, 2005

I was on the 2nd floor of Kimmel today sitting on one of the couches and reading, and then this couple came and sat on the other side of the couch and basically started making out. Ew. And I mean "ew" as in "get a room, why are you making out in the Kimmel Center? Ew." Seriously.

I spent the weekend in bed with a cold and missed Halloween. Boo, it sucked.

I'm ready to go home for the holidays. But I still have about 2 months I think. Sucks. I want to decorate my room for Christmas, though, so if anyone wants to help during the next couple of months, I would love the company.

I want to go to Norway. That has nothing to do with anything. I just want to go...Get in touch with my Norwegian side.

I saw Lisa today and she made me happy. Yay. :)

That is all.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rory: So apparently, I have to buy the next guy a sweater.

1. I think it is quite possible that Gilmore Girls has replaced The O.C. as my favorite show.
2. Tonight's episode was really, really funny. I found myself LOLing a lot.
a) Richard caught Rory and Logan making out and then told Emily they were "necking." And so they decided they needed to talk to her about sex. So they invited their Reverend over for dinner and left him alone to talk to Rory about how sex is a gift that you give to one guy and you have to give any other guy something else, like a sweater, not sex. And after Rory told him it was too late, she said "Have you see The 40-Year Old Virgin? Cause I think you'd like it."
b) There were other funny parts. I don't remember but I obnoxiously laughed really loud.
3. I don't like this rift between Lorelai and Rory.
4. I would totally marry Luke.
5. I still don't know how I feel about Logan.
6. Jess is going to be in the episode next week!!!!! And I will have a dirty dream about him that night.
7. I want someone to create a custom drink named after me on my 21st birthday.
8. Please don't make fun of me. And if you watch Gilmore Girls and totally appreciate everything I'm talking about, then you're cool.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Here's looking at you, kid.

Even though it's only 9:47 pm, I feel as though my Saturday night is over, so that's why I'm going to talk like it's already over.

I spent tonight watching the second half of AFI's "100 Greatest Movie Quotes of All Time." Watching this, I realized there are a lot of movies I have not seen. And a lot of these are classics. And it makes me feel very, um, behind (?), unknowledgeable I think is the word I'm looking for (?) I don't know. I rented Mad Hot Ballroom for tonight and after watching the show, I think I made the wrong choice of movies to rent. Now, I realize that I'm only 20 and I have my entire life to watch them, but I always seem to have this mentality that I'm running out of time and if I don't do it now, I'll never do it. If I don't buy this record now, I'll never buy it. If I don't see this movie now, I'll never see it. If only I had that mindframe for homework, I'd be such a good student.

And since we're on the subject of classics, I think that Cole Porter and George & Ira Gershwin knew I was going to come into existence when they wrote their music. My love affair with their music has been at an all-time high lately. My love affair with Gershwin came into existence at a very young age...6 I think...when I saw "An American in Paris" with Gene Kelly. Gene Kelly was my hero. I wanted to be one of the little French kids who sang "I Got Rhythm" with him. I wanted to dance and sing and be just like him...and yea, I still do. I don't remember when I fell for Cole Porter. I think his music just fell into my lap one day.

If I had time to create a costume, I think I would be one of their songs for Halloween. I'm completely serious. I was thinking Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue". How I would do this, I have no idea. The idea just dawned on me. But if people can be ideas or verbs for Halloween, I should be able to be a song. If anyone has any ideas of how I can be a Cole Porter or Gershwin song for Halloween, your ideas are welcome. I also thought to be Ginger Rogers, but I like the song idea better.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Yea, I go into the sea sometimes just to fuck around with the sharks.


Ok. So today in my Calculus class, we had a sub. This class is 1 hour and 50 minutes long so you know, the teacher better not suck. Ohhhhhh my friends, the sub was not good. Ok, now, he can't help being French. But he was and the combination of his accent and his deep voice and speaking soft and having no expression on his face didn't help. And you may be thinking, ok, so you couldn't understand him but maybe he was cute? Nope. Wasn't even nice to look at. And this man just dove into the lesson and I think it's quite possible that no one and I mean NO ONE knew what he was talking about. Oh and best part: Alright. So my guess is there are about 30-40 people in the class...when the class was over, there were 9 people left. Yup. People just kept walking out throughout the lecture. I was sitting in the front row and I kept hearing the door open and close and about halfway through, I turned around and just saw a sea of empty chairs. I kind of felt bad for the guy because well if you didn't know you sucked before, a room full of bratty college kids walking out on you has gotta be an indication.

I swear, longest 2 hours of my life. Almost stabbed my pencil in my eye.

But now, I'm home listening to Dane Cook. And I still have both my eyes. So yay.

Friday, October 14, 2005

So, I'm sure many of you have seen the preview for Shopgirl. Does it bother anyone else that they use Death Cab for Cutie's "The Sound of Settling" in the trailer? I don't know what it is, but for some reason I feel that Death Cab and a Steve Martin movie don't really go together. That song belongs in an episode of "Laguna Beach" not the trailer for a movie like Shopgirl. Eh. Just a random thought. I'm excited to see it anyways. Jason Schwartzman..yea!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

If there's music in the night, and it's really really right, it's the only thing I need

Jamie Cullum @ Irving Plaza, October 11, 2005, Sold Out

1. These Are The Days
2. Photograph
3. Get Your Way
4. Twentysomething
5. 21st Century Kid
6. London Skies
7. Drum/percussion jam
8. What A Difference A Day Made
9. Back To The Ground
10. Wind Cries Mary
11. All At Sea >> Don't Cha (yes, THAT song)
12. 7 Days To Change Your Life
13. Catch The Sun
14. Frontin'
15. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans
16. High And Dry
17. Mind Trick
18. I Could Have Danced All Night

I went to my first real concert when I was 14. Who it was, we won't share that here because I will be mocked. So that means I've had 6 years of real concert experience. Doesn't seem like much. And it isn't when you think about it. But I've seen some pretty great shows. And yet, Jamie Cullum still remains my number one favorite live performer. I'll try not to go into too many details because frankly I'm not a very good writer, but he is one of the most dynamic performers I've ever seen. His energy onstage is unbeatable. And the connection he has with his audience, the way they feed off of each other, is incredible. Usually when I go to a standing only concert, my feet start to hurt halfway through the opening act and I start to get really hot cause it's so crowded and my mood drops. But last night, I was fine and having an excellent time. He does that to me. He made me forget everything that was bothering me and I was able to sing and dance and just have a great time and fall back in love with him. I came home so happy and on this incredible high that I haven't felt yet this semester and I'm really scared to let that feeling go.

But anyways, if you like jazz and good beats and piano, I recommend you see Jamie Cullum in concert. Tonight he played for 2 hours, did stuff from his old album, stuff from his new (which came out today) and just rocked it. Maybe I'm biased cause I love his music, but he really does a great live show.

Pictures from the show
Last year's show

Thursday, October 06, 2005


tonight was special.

as a member of the program board, i get to do cool things like work concerts which allows me to get into the shows for free. tonight was regina spektor at skirball. now, i've heard her before but i guess i never really HEARD her. maggie would play her when we lived together but i never really listened. it was more background music. so tonight, i had the opportunity to see her live. and i fell in love. i got to sit in the 3rd row and yell at anyone who tried to sit in the seats that were clearly marked RESERVED. so i basically sat with some of her entourage which i think may have consisted of a manager and family...i don't know. all i know is regina spektor is one of the most adorable creatures on the earth. and her music is really pretty and funny and witty and quirky. and did i mention how cute she is? and how wonderful? and how i'm in love with her now? yay. i love falling in love with new music.

i fell in love with the guy who opened for her, too. his name is michael leviton and he played nautical love songs on his ukulele. his songs were sweet and quirky and he made me smile. i went up to him after the show, shook his hand, and told him i liked his set. why is it i have no problem going up to cool musicians after shows and yet i can't do that in other situations? actually, i'm doing better. i'm learning.

after the show, i bought falafel and went home and ate it. then i decided to go to the skinny since joe was djing. but i got there and saw justin and nick rizzo and no one else. everyone had left. but then...we went up to see joe and who do i find but mr. joshua schonauer. i love him so much. he just moved back to nyc which is very exciting. he made my first year here so wonderful. best RA i've ever had, hands down. seeing him was great.

after about maybe a half hour of being there i left. i've found myself kind of over the idea of going out and getting drunk. i just haven't felt like doing it a lot lately. i really don't know what it is. eh whatever. i don't really care.

i have a hot date on saturday. with arielle. i'm going to be girly and cute and we're going to serendipity and probably the movies. yay. i'm excited. hanging out with my freshman...i've found myself doing that a lot lately, being around freshmen (well, considering i have classes with so many)...i kinda hung out with this freshman boy while working the show tonight. real cool kid. maybe i should pretend i'm 18 and start hanging out with freshmen...
