Do you want my flannel?

spring blog commence!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Oh man I EQ'd the guitars! It sounds awesome man!

Last night = interesting.

First off, I had my recital last night and I thought it went really well. Thanks to Mike for coming.

After the recital I went back to the dorm to grab something to eat and get ready for a house party in Brooklyn. I met my group of gentleman at Cliff St. and then we made our way to Nick & Jason's for pre-game. We get there, and they decided to watch Showgirls on VH1. It was really funny. Granted it was completely edited with digitally painted on clothes, but that's what made it funny.

We walked to the party which took about an hour and I was ready to go home by the time we got there. But then I decided to stay and it was fun. AND THEN Maggie decided to grace us with her presence so Joe, Byron, and I went to pick her up at the subway. Overall the party was fun. Best part of the night was when Maggie mentioned something about a friend who was friend's with Paul Rothman and then I look and Paul's standing a few feet away from me! It was the most random thing ever. I went searching for Mike to tell him that our lab partner was here. We then went on a search for Mr. Rothman and well we found him and of course he started talking about music tech and his mixing project. And that was my cue to leave the room.

A lot of other stuff happened too. You can refer to Maggie's blog for the subway ride home.

And this entry was kind of lame. I'm sorry. Stop crying you wuss.


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