This weekend I went to visit Jillian at Georgetown. And it was awesome. I am defintiely a little bit in love with Jillian's friends.
Friday night there was an a capella festival at the school and I'm not gonna lie, good a capella stuff...bit of a turn on. All of the groups were great with the exception of one which I won't mention cause I think they've been embarrassed enough. Some of the songs performed were "Behind These Hazel Eyes", "Mr. Brightside", "All These Things That I've Done", "Papa Don't Preach", "Goldigger" (which was rapped by the whitest white boy by the way), and many others.
Saturday morning we had to get up at 4:15 am because Jillian was working at the Help the Homeless marathon. It was fun except that when we were done at 11:30, I thought it was 3. So my inner clock was completely off.
Saturday night I was introduced to the wonder that is the CORP and their parties. Jillian is part of this student run corporation and that night they were having CORP Golf which is basically going from house to house (hole to hole), taking a shot and leaving to the next hole. I'm not gonna lie, lots of fun. Culminated with a big party at Jillian's friend Frank's house. And the thing is, this starts at 8 and so we were passed out by like 1:00 or something. Jillian thought I was dead cause I wouldn't answer her, which is kind of a scary thought.
Some memorable points of the weekend:
1. a) This is how I was introduced to people at the beginning of the evening:
Jillian: Hey (so-and-so), this is my friend Anna visiting from New York.
Me: Nice to meet you (so-and-so).
b) This is how I was introduced to people later on:
Me: (points to person) Hey! Who are you?
2. Anna-Ana
3. Jillian: Don't cha wish your roommate was HOT like mine?!
4. Completely inappropriate conversations.
5. Speaking perfect Spanish to someone even though I was completely drunk (which has made me come to the conclusion that foreign languages are spoken better when drunk).
6. Waking up the next morning sore from dancing too much.
7. Ivy: So did you see Craig trying to get me to strip last night?
Jillian: Yes, cause I was helping him.
8. "Whatever, I'm over it"
These are just a few pictures. The rest can be seen on my Facebook album.

Is my unda-wears showing?

Jillian & Me..smiling like fools...for one reason or another...

Ivy, Me, & Jillian...close to the end of the evening...
Also, is predicting snow for Thanksgiving, which is kind of exciting.