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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Christmas is carols to warm you in the snow...

Is it Christmas yet?


That's what I thought. Just checking.

I'm ridiculously excited for Christmas this year. I'm always excited but this time I'm uber excited. It's probably cause I'm not going home for Thanksgiving. Or it could be that Christmas is just awesome.

And is anyone else anticipating this as much as I am. I mean I've been excited about movies coming out before but yea I just can't resist using the word uber again. It just looks so good. And if it's not, I'm going to cry. Seriously. November 18th...I'll be in D.C. but yea after, who's going with me cause this isn't a movie I'm seeing by myself.


Blogger A said...

I was actually thinking about that the other day and came to about the same conclusion. I don't know if I would have as much interest if Joaquin Phoenix wasn't attached to it. Anyways, I just hope it's not another Ray.

8:48 AM  

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