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spring blog commence!

Friday, November 04, 2005

I'm an okay guy, by the way.

I saw Shopgirl tonight. And I can't really write what I thought about it cause I don't really know. It was nice but it left me feeling kind of hmmmm. I DO know that I loved Jason Schwartzman. Everyone talks about how Claire Danes steals the show and I mean she was good but I thought Jason was great. Maybe it's because 1) I really like him anyways and 2) I really like to laugh and he made me laugh every time he came on the screen. So that could be it. But whatever. It wasn't a bad movie. I never realized how hairy Jason Schwartzman was though. Not that that has to do with whether it was good or not.

I also think it's quite possible that he could be my soulmate. But I'm not even sure I believe in that stuff anymore. But if did he would be in the running...even though I don't know him.

And it's official. I need to get out more.


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