I will be your Cinderella, if you'll be my cowboy man

I did my end of summer trip to Gruene today. Texas boys are hot. Especially the ones who work at Gristmill...I fell in love maybe 10 times today. I'm definitely not ruling out moving back to Texas after I graduate...as long as it's Austin and it's an awesome job. But I'm practically a freshman again so yea who knows what's to come.
When my mom and I got to Gruene, there was really good blues music coming from Gruene Hall. I was really hungry though so we went to go eat and then I thought to go to the hall afterward to check out the music. But when we were done they weren't playing so we went to go walk around and we went to the Music & Art Museum only to discover it's sad state since they're closing. We walked in and everything was taken down and there was a drumset and guitar onstage just waiting for someone to play them. The gift shop was having a close out sale and everything was 1/2 off. It would've been cool if the instruments were too. Anyways, as we were walking to the car, the music from the hall started up again and I got sad and wanted to go back and listen but we were about ready to pass out from the heat. Oh well.
A couple of my brother's friends came over tonight. And now the house smells like cologne. He has really cute friends. And I feel it's really wrong that I'm saying that. I mean they are 18 so it's not like there's anything wrong with it...but they're my brother's friends and that's just...*shudder*. I feel like Nata.
I talked to Jillian today. I picked up the phone just as it was ending the ring and she starts yelling "you answered your phone!!! You never answer it!!!" It was real funny. And she told me I'm going to visit her in October since Jason Mraz is playing at Georgetown. No objection here. I like when people force me to visit them. I feel very loved.
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