Hey, hey look. I'm holdin' his hand. Heh, heh.

This morning at 8:45 my dad waltzed into my room and asked "Are you ready?"...the obvious answer was "no." I was in my pajamas, in my bed, snuggled tight. "Well I'm ready" he replied. I got out of bed, put on some clothes, and was ready. On the way to the airport my dad told me things like "if those jeans you like look good, go ahead and buy them. I want you to look good." and "take your time with things, don't rush into anything." Now with the latter, I thought he was talking about school or life or something. And then he said, "you know what I mean? I didn't get married til I was 36." (pause) "But mom was 29, which is a good age." My dad likes to do these sneak future relationship/marriage talks with me. He likes to tell me things like "marry a guy with a good job," "marry someone a few years older, well established," and the new "don't rush into marriage." Right, because I have so many gentlemen callers just waiting to take my hand in marriage.
I went to my mom's office today and filed and did manual labor and watched CNBC. Geez those people are nerds. Mom included. She taught me about bonds today and now I feel smarter.
My mom picked me up after my Spanish class and even though we have tons of original restaurants on the Riverwalk, I chose Hard Rock Cafe. I like it. It's loud, but fun. They played Bruce Springsteen videos, Duran Duran, etc. Some really bad, some really good. And then they start showing this video from a live show and my worst fear came true...Nickelback. I started freaking out and just cringing and my mom started laughing. I literally almost felt sick to my stomach. Ewwwwww. Thinking about it now makes me cringe. *shudder*
But I fell in love today at Hard Rock. The host. He had a mohawk and a cute smile and nice eyes. I never thought I would fall for a guy with a mohawk. Awwww but I like him. *smile*
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