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Thursday, August 04, 2005

But didn't they HATE each other?

I had a friend request on thefacebook today from a girl who I haven't seen/spoken to since 8th grade. I think she and I may have been best friends one year seeing I had a different best friend every year (but that's a whole other story). This made me think about my Holy Spirit years. I was seeing how pretty much all of us are friends with each other on thefacebook and I thought it was really funny because when we were all together at Holy Spirit, we were definitely not all friends. I think about 75% of my 8th grade class went to this one high school together and were all best friends there (or so it seemed). I think by the time I graduated there were only 2 of us in my graduating class who went to Holy Spirit (and I think we started with something like 8). I just remember some of the girls being really cruel to each other in middle school and now they're friends on thefacebook. Eh. Not really important. I just think it's amusing.

My brother's class is totally different. Tomorrow there's a reunion for his 8th grade class. My mom and I are going, too. My class never had a reunion. Unless they did and I wasn't invited...bitches...but I was invited to go with them to Europe one year but since I had gone the year see where this is going. My mom didn't tell me of this invite until a month or 2 after it was issued. She got a call from one of the boys' mothers inviting me and my mom and blah blah blah you know where this is going. It was nice though. I liked the boys' mothers.


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