I apologize Ms. Jackson...Oh.

I look at this picture and wish I was little again. My brother was so sweet. What happened?
I went to his 8th grade reunion on Friday. Basically I was the only sibling of anyone there. My mom and I talked with the other parents many of whom I have known forever. One mother ran up to me, threw her arms around me and said "Here she is!!!!" and then her voice got really low and she said "Ok. Now WHAT are you doing up there?" I told her and she screamed "You're back where you were 4 years ago!! You're doing what you wanted! Alright!" And then she saw my tote bag that says "I Dig Music" and she smiled and calmly said "That's SO you. SO you!"
Another mother there was my 5th grade teacher. She's one of the sweetest people I know. She also happens to be the aunt of a former male classmate of mine. She was telling me about the boys and what they're all up to and it made me miss middle school. As awkward as those years were, there are a few times I wish I could go back. And then there are times when I wish some things never happened. Anyways she told me I should give her nephew a call to get together with him and the boys. As much as I would like to do that, it would also be really weird. I think the last time I really hung out with them was Semi-Formal sophomore year and that was one of the best times I had at a dance. I remember me and Jillian sitting across from James, Eric, and Daniel and not eating any of our dinner cause we were laughing so much. And riding to the dance in Vanessa's ginormous van and laughing at them doing an impression of what their school's coach would sound like singing "Ms. Jackson" and Daniel telling me how their principal (whose daughter I know from middle school) went up to him and this is the conversation that followed:
Mr. Saenz: So Daniel, I hear you're going to Incarnate Word's Semi-Formal.
Daniel: Yes, I'm going with my friend Anna.
Mr. Saenz: Oh yes, I remember her...she has the most beautiful hair I've ever seen.
Daniel: (awkward pause) yea...

Jillian, Vanessa, and Me. I don't know what I'm doing there. I think my mom may have told me to stand up straight so I decided that meant lifting up my head.
I realize that many of the people who read this blog have NO idea who these people are or what I'm talking about. But I've been really nostalgic these past few days. For serious. I took out my old yearbooks from Holy Spirit and started looking at them wishing I was little again.
God I'm so weird.
Sometimes it's ok to be weird. You reminisce about Holy Spirit and I cry while watching documentaries about seals. It's cool.
i've been looking at yearbooks too.
but generally in a differnt context.
look ma, no complete sentences!
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