A lot of random things that have nothing to do with each other. Joy for you.

The entrance to my high school. I kinda wish I was sitting at the picnic table in the circle talking with friends. But yea I'm not so whatever.
The other day, I was talking to this lady in my Spanish class who has a 9 year-old daughter at St. Anthony's. She was telling me how she's in the choir there and how they do Light-The-Way every year. I got really excited and told her how my high school choir did that too. And I miss it. :( I want to sing Christmas carols at Central Market and go caroling and go to D.C. and sing at the White House...
When Arielle starts at NYU we're going to annoy everyone we know during Christmas time by singing every Christmas carol known to man only using soprano and mezzo parts so the songs will sound all botched and incomplete.
So my phone is programmed to whenever any of my family calls it just goes "ring ring" and when anyone else calls it does the "beach" ring. The "beach" ring never makes an appearance. And that makes me sad sometimes cause I know people whose phone always rings. But anyways. It did "beach" ring today. "Beach" ring always frightens me because I never expect it. I assumed it was a) a wrong number or b) that general number that comes up whenever my parents call from the office. But it wasn't either. It was Maggie. And it made me soooooooooooooo happy. She got the "Texas in a Box" box that I sent her for her birthday. And she loved it. And I got happy. And then we proceeded to talk and talk and talk and giggle and giggle and giggle. It was so weird hearing her voice. I haven't heard it in FOREVER and I'm ashamed to say that it was like I forgot what her voice sounded like. Anyways I love when people call me. Even if I don't answer and I just see "1 missed call" and then I click "show" and it displays (name) and I go :).
Today my parents decided that when I go to Austin in September that my brother is going to have to give me the car for the weekend. Which rocks. Unfortunately he doesn't know this yet and he's going to fight it. But he'll lose.
Also my mother has informed me that she, my grandparents, and my Aunt Anna may be invading New York in early December which would make me incredibly happy and giddy with joy to the world. Ross also says he's going to visit sometime too because he has 3 places to stay: with either me, Aaron, or his friend so-and-so whose name I do not recall. I can bet any amount of money that he won't.
And on a closing note, I am 90.02% sure that I'm returning August 30. So start planning that giant "OMG Anna is back yay yay yay" party. Plz. Thnx.
Also I wish it was Christmas. The end.
1) Thanks for making I-Dub look moderately cool. Just don't show the buildings.
2) According to my roommates, the best thing to do with ACL is to be dropped off, but there's about 45846354656 of us going, so I'm not really sure how that will work, seeing as no one owns a bus. And I don't know that Austin Metro is as cool and SA Via with the whole park-n-ride thing. But at least you can have a car to scope out...well...the Capitol. And the Real World house. And...well that's about it to do in Austin. Oh, get Amy's. And that's really it.
3) I'll be sure to make a playlist of Marc Broussard, Journey, and plenty of NSYNC/98 Degrees for when you visit.
Remember when we found that really dirty 98 Degrees song and my respect for them went down like 0.02%? Oh man...ooh ooh and um "Justin sweetie...are you a Trojan man?" Man...I'm gonna go look at that book you made me...memories.
Hey! Yes! We can EXPLORE! Awesome! D00d Brah! Clutch.
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