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spring blog commence!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Last night was so much fuuuuuuuuuuuun!

Last night I went out with Maggie, Mike, and Nick. I arrived at the boys' house to a jam session. I provided some bad drumming while the others sang and played to Sufjan. I think Mike's dead on Bob Dylan impression was the highlight of it all.

We then made our way to a party hosted by Maggie and Mike's friend Rob. Maggie got yelled at by Rob's roommate. And the pictures are just self-explanatory. All of the 4 of us with the exception of the one of Andy. Lots of fun.

We got back to the house at about 1:30 or something and while Mike slept on the couch, Maggie, Nick, and I listened to middle school dance songs and sang and it was awesome. I think Nick is my hero.

I needed a bed to sleep in and being that Mike was on the couch, I figured I could sleep in his bed. However, Sam Pipp was sleeping on the futon in Mike's room so I waited a while to go in for the fear of walking in on him naked or something. Once I was sure he was asleep, I went in and awkwardly, nervously, and stiffly slept in Mike's bed. I woke up at around 8 and just lied there for about an hour figuring that no one else was awake. Maggie walked in at around 9 to get me out of bed and a confused Sam sat up and looked at Maggie and then saw me jumping out of Mike's bed. I suppose it was a very weird sight for him to see. I couldn't stop laughing on the subway ride home. I can only imagine what was going through his mind.


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