Do you want my flannel?

spring blog commence!

Monday, May 23, 2005


I've come to a few conclusions:

1. Summer nights in Texas are really nice.
2. Playing with my dog is a lot of fun when it's not 100 million degrees outside.
3. My backyard is really big and really cool and really scary at night. But a cool kind of scary.
4. My dog gave me love bites on my wrist while we were playing and I think they would make really cool scars because they're 3 lines in a row. My mom tends to disagree. Eh.
5. The full moon tonight is super cool.
6. I think I saw the Big Dipper tonight. Or maybe it was the Little Dipper. Either way it was a Dipper.
7. In the mind of my dog, me putting flip-flops on = play outside!!!!! play ball outside!!!!!


Blogger M said...

if ya love yer dog so much, WHY DONT YOU MARRY IT?!

5:56 PM  

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