Do you want my flannel?

spring blog commence!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

huh? what? right. uhh.

dinner in kimmel.
chartered bus to docks on east 23rd street.
3 hour dance party on yacht sailing around manhattan.
bus back to kimmel.
after party.

i heart program board and everyone in it.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

"Ow" or "Wow, I'm really out of shape"

The past two days have been non-stop. On Thursday, I had class, came home for a few hours to chill, then I was helping with Strawberry Fest stuff, then I had dinner with Maggie, Mike, and Joe, had a group meeting, and went to/worked at Jamnesty. Then I came home, slept, woke up at 6:30 on Friday and was on campus from 7:30-5:30 working Strawberry Fest.

Strawberry Fest, as chaotic as it was, was a lot of fun. I was on the staff so I got to wear a headset. I was running the carnival booths and it got really annoying when I would be trying to explain the rules of one of the games to people and then all of the sudden I hear someone yelling in my ear that they ran out of sno-cone cups. And after it was all over, we still had so many giveaways left from the games that I had to go out in the middle of West 4th Street and yell "FREE STUFF!!" and then be bombarded with people. I will tell you it was the most enthusiastic I've ever been. Which was good because school/life has been stressing me out and I needed to be happy. And you can't possibly be upset during Strawberry Fest aka the Happiest Day of the Year at NYU.

Also, I did so much heavy lifting yesterday that this morning, it hurts to move. My entire body aches. Every. Single. Inch. Which means I'm out of shape and that's not good. Blah.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Sunshine, I'm beginning to like this.

Today was gorgeous! It was warm. I think it got up to 78 degrees.

Program Board had a picnic today. There weren't many in attendance but it was nice anyways. We went to the East River Park and sat on blankets and ate (what is normally done at a picnic). We threw a frisbee. Well, they threw, I struggled. Horribly. I suck at frisbee. But today's activities made me realize how excited I am to spend the summer in New York. And how much I enjoy picnics. I think we should have lots and lots of picnics this summer. Yay.

Also, I saw Manhattan last night with Rebecca and Dan. Which also made me excited for summer.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My parents are deliciously evil...

On Sunday I talked to my mom on the phone and she informed me that the "Easter Bunny" sent me a package and that I would be getting it shortly. Well yesterday I got it and inside was this:

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I smiled my evil smile and stared at the box, somewhat afraid to open it because I knew the control its contents have over me. So I called my parents and told them that they were evil. When asked why I said because Godiva is such a luxury and such luxuries could only be made possible by deals with the devil. However I accept this gift given to me in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ...

My mom then told me "share with your friends" to which I replied "No. I'm, going to commit all 7 Deadly Sins with these chocolates." Which I think could actually be possible.

But if you get to me before I finish them all (and by get to me I mean visit me at my dorm), then yes, I'll share...but you better hurry.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Duke of the Indestructible Chew Toy

Every year at the end of April, for 10 days, there is a huge festival in my hometown: Fiesta. It's a celebration to honor the heroes who fought at the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto and to celebrate San Antonio's different cultures. But basically it's just an awesome 10 day party. And this is the 3rd year I'm missing it because of school. Obvs. Anyways, I talked to my mom today and she was telling me about how they crowned El Rey Fido (a take on El Rey Feo) at the Animal Shelter and the names of some of these dogs sounded really cute and I wanted to share the article with y'all. So here. My hometown is kind of crazy, I know. But I don't think I would be the same person if I grew up anywhere else. So yeah. Enjoy...if you decide to click the links that is...

And if anyone wants to have a fiesta with me the last week of April, I'm down.

Oh and speaking of dogs, my parents switched vets and my dog is getting better in case you were concerned. I was. So I'm in a better mood now. Yay for Rex.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


I have a cold. I have no idea how I acquired it. I mean, my allergies have been bothering me for the past week because April-May are part of my allergy months. But my allergies shouldn't have caused a cold. And yes the weather got unnecessarily cold the past couple of days but I thought I bundled up enough. Blahhhhhh. Anyways I didn't go to class today (gasp!) and the only time I left my room today was to buy medicine and orange juice and soup and kleenex.

My weekend is ruined. Blahhhhhh.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


So I totally thought that tonight's "Gilmore Girls" was the season finale. I'm sorry but that's what the commercials for the past week were saying. And then it ended all of the sudden and there was no Jess (hot), no Lane & Zach's wedding (is anyone else as excited about that as I am by the way?), no Christopher (blah)...ewww and Logan. I hate Logan. Never liked him. Why is Rory back with him? But Jess is on next week (I think) & I always liked Jess the best. Anyways, if I told you that tonight's "Gilmore Girls" was the season finale, I apologize. But there are four more episodes left which is exciting cause now I won't be bored on Tuesday nights. :)