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spring blog commence!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

"Ow" or "Wow, I'm really out of shape"

The past two days have been non-stop. On Thursday, I had class, came home for a few hours to chill, then I was helping with Strawberry Fest stuff, then I had dinner with Maggie, Mike, and Joe, had a group meeting, and went to/worked at Jamnesty. Then I came home, slept, woke up at 6:30 on Friday and was on campus from 7:30-5:30 working Strawberry Fest.

Strawberry Fest, as chaotic as it was, was a lot of fun. I was on the staff so I got to wear a headset. I was running the carnival booths and it got really annoying when I would be trying to explain the rules of one of the games to people and then all of the sudden I hear someone yelling in my ear that they ran out of sno-cone cups. And after it was all over, we still had so many giveaways left from the games that I had to go out in the middle of West 4th Street and yell "FREE STUFF!!" and then be bombarded with people. I will tell you it was the most enthusiastic I've ever been. Which was good because school/life has been stressing me out and I needed to be happy. And you can't possibly be upset during Strawberry Fest aka the Happiest Day of the Year at NYU.

Also, I did so much heavy lifting yesterday that this morning, it hurts to move. My entire body aches. Every. Single. Inch. Which means I'm out of shape and that's not good. Blah.


Blogger Steven said...

yeah, way to not give me free stuff.

1:00 AM  

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