So, last night I got this call from Ian Bock. He invited me to a bar with him and his friends, all male, 3 of them graduating seniors at NYU. Considering I had no plans I went to meet them thinking that I would leave shortly after my arrival. I get there and they're all sitting at a table enjoying their liters of beer. Coincidently, the table next to us consisted of all male NYU grads also with some fellow uncomfortable girls. I ordered 0.5 liter because, well, a liter is like really big, especially for me, obvi. However, I guess the waiter didn't hear me and brought me a liter (ugh). This ended up being a good thing considering the conversations these boys were having...
Now, I've hung out with Ian and his friends before and they don't really care if there's a girl in their presence: they're talking about whatever the fuck they want. Thus, I heard about the girls they slept with, which hand they prefer to masturbate with, the strangest places they've had sex, how many girls, etc. You get the idea. Every once and a while, a couple of the guys would look over at me and apologize for the content of their conversation. I just nodded, smiled, said it was ok and once my beer was gone, I would just check out. One of them made the point that hearing all this must be giving me major insight into the male psyche. In a way, yes. But for the most part, no. Because I could really care less about which hand they use to masturbate.
In the end, we went to another bar, I ended up getting really drunk, shamelessly flirted (poorly) with one of Ian's friends and invited said friend to my birthday party. My birthday, mind you, isn't for another month and the party is far from planned. Ha. Ha. OY, OY, OY!