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spring blog commence!

Monday, December 26, 2005


This morning as I made my way to the breakfast table to join my parents as they read the newspaper, my mom informed me of some trouble that San Antonio's very own celebrity couple, Eva Longoria and Tony Parker, got into. It involved Tony not moving his car when asked by a cop and then Eva yelling racial slurs at the cop. Anyways, I was expecting to have to dig through the San Antonio Express-News to find the article, but I didn't have to. It was the top headline on the front page. And I'm not really surprised that it's the top headline because well, this IS San Antonio, but I suppose it's just wishing thinking that the top headline won't be something involving Eva Longoria.

This was the headline below that one, by the way.

San Antonio, ladies and gentlemen. Gotta love it.


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