Fine dining is fun.

Tonight in honor of Aaron's 21st Birthday, I went uptown for a fine dining experience with him and a few of his Columbia friends. Now, I hadn't had a real fine dining experience in New York until tonight and I'm not gonna lie, I need to do this more often. We went to L'Impero which is located at Tudor City Place right next to the U.N. It was pretty swanky and the proportion of amount of food to cost kind of caused a "huh?" reaction from me, but it was yummy. And sophisticated. I felt like a real grown-up. So, yes, I think I need to hang out with Aaron more often. But not because he has incredible taste and his knowledge of food is impressive and he can cook, but because he's Aaron and he's awesome.
Also, tonight was another Anna + dudes night. Not that I'm complaining, but seriously...Rebecca, I need another dinner with you pronto.
But Happy 21st, Aaron...I'm jealous.
And also, Happy December.
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